Disney junior:The animated series Wiki

Welcome to the Disney junior:The animated series Wiki[]

Hello! Welcome to the Disney junior: The animated series wikia, but its my version. In here, it is inspired by MaeManuel1's Disney junior animated series wikia. So since it is, you can edit and make fan made episodes but read the rules before you do it.

Message to MaeManuel1[]

MaeManuel1, I know your mad at me but I had to make this wiki because I feel like the entire Disney Junior: The animated series wikia needs a remake. So I created my own version of your own wikia. (Your not allowed to edit because reasons)

Rules of the wikia[]

  • Don't break any rules of FANDOM.
  • No cropped NSFW.
  • Don't swear a lot.
  • Don't be that dangerous in the wikia.
  • You can only become a staff if you want to make a blog running for (Insert the staff rank.), but don't ask it, just make a blog post so people can vote for you to run for (Insert the staff rank.) as that's the only way to get promoted.
  • Don't mention characters having sex, orgy and other NSFW stuff. Well kissing is fine as long as it's appropriate.
  • You can mention deaths of the characters if they actually die, but no mentioning gross stuff like gore. Yes your allow to mention violences.
  • LGBT ideas are allowed, NO HOMOPHOBIAS.
  • No racism, well you can make a episode idea that is certain around racism and how the characters are trying to stop the racism.

Latest activity[]

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